🍃🌻 𝓜𝓪𝔂𝓸 2022
❝Hay una semilla de alegría,
amor, y felicidad en ti.
Si permites que estas semillas se manifiesten,
tú eres una hermosa flor
en el jardín de la humanidad.❞
🍃🌻 𝓜𝓪𝔂𝓸 2022
❝There is a seed of joy,
love, and happiness in you.
If you allow these seeds to manifest,
you are a beautiful flower
in the garden of humanity.❞
Cuando joven, el maestro Jiun acostumbraba a dar charlas a sus compañeros. Al enterarse su madre, le escribio esta nota: "Hijo, no creo que te hayas vuelto deboto del Buda porque desearas convertirte en un diccionario ambulante. La informacion, el comentario, la gloria y el honor no tienen fin. Desearias que suspendieras las charlas. Encierrate en algun pequeño templo de una remota montaña y dedica tu tiempo a la meditacion. Asi podras alcanzar la realizacion".
As a young man, Master Jiun used to give talks to his peers. When his mother found out, she wrote this note to him: "Son, I don't think you have become a devotee of the Buddha because you wish to become a walking dictionary. The information, commentary, glory and honor have no end. I wish you would stop talking Lock yourself in some small temple on a remote mountain and dedicate your time to meditation. So you can achieve realization."
Una mariposa
Me abandono
en las montañas otoñales.
A butterfly
I abandon myself
in the autumn mountains
"Conocer un durazno es comprobar su redondez incomparable y admirar el amarillo, el verde y el rosa sutiles que se combinan en su piel; es tomarlo y tocarlo, apreciar su peso, su contorno; olerlo y gozar el perfume; pero, por sobretodo, comerlo degustando su consistencia y sabor. El sabio, el filosofo y el artista describen el durazno, meditan sobre el y lo evocan. El maestro Zen lo toma, lo ofrece y se calla. Su funcion es irremplazable, como es irremplazable la experiencia a la que nos convida".
"Getting to know a peach is checking its incomparable roundness and admiring the subtle yellow, green and pink that combine on its skin; it is taking it and touching it, appreciating its weight, its contour; smelling it and enjoying the perfume; but, above all, eat it savoring its consistency and flavor. The wise man, the philosopher and the artist describe the peach, meditate on it and evoke it. The Zen master takes it, offers it and remains silent. Its function is irreplaceable, just as the experience to which it is produced is irreplaceable. that invites us".
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