Cactus y Suculentas por DestellosSakura.Artist aqui en el Blog TierraZen Succulents & Cactus by DestellosSakura.Artist here in TierraZen. Esto es lo que el Budismo a denominado "Transmision de corazon a corazon". Un poema dice: "Cuando sonrie Mahakashyapa, nadie sabe que hacer con esa sonrisa, ni en el cielo ni en la tierra". ENGLISH: This is what Buddhism has called "Transmission from heart to heart". A poem says: "When Mahakashyapa smiles, no one knows what to do with that smile, neither in heaven nor on earth." Practicar la compasion atañe incluso a la hierba y a los arboles. Alli donde brota abundantemente la virtud, el mar emite un canto sublime. Taisen Deshimaru ENGLISH: Practicing compassion pertains even to grass and trees. There where virtue abundantly sprouts, the sea emits a sublime song. Taisen Deshimaru 🌠💗🧉🙏💞Nuestro Arte. 🌠💞🧉🙏💞Our Art. Nuestras plantitas realizadas de semillas. ENGLISH: Our plants made from seeds. 🙏...