🙏💕✨ No es importante lo que nos han hecho, sino lo que haremos nosotros; alguien tiene que detener el proceso. Si uno de cada diez habitantes del mundo se dedicara a romper la cadena de sufrimiento, todo el ciclo se desmoronaría. ------------------------------- It is not important what they have done to us, but what we will do; someone has to stop the process. If one in ten of the world's inhabitants dedicated themselves to breaking the chain of suffering, the entire cycle would fall apart. Charlotte Joko Beck (EE.UU 1917- 2011) Desde nuestro espacio de cocina, le dejamos el link para que realice y disfrute de nuestras recetas Plant Based y Veganas con productos lo mas accesible posible pero por sobretodo sanos. https://elbunkercitodelvegano.blogspot.com/?m=1 From our kitchen space, we leave you the link so that you can make and enjoy our Plant Based and Vegan recipes with products that are as accessible as possible but above all healthy. https://elbunkercitodelvegano.blogspot.c...