"El caligrafo Kosen tenia un discipulo que nunca fallaba en las criticas a su Msestro. En una oportunidad, le encargaron al maestro realizar el modelo de letras que llevaria el cartel de un templo.
-No es bueno- opino el alumno ante el primer intento. Kosen se aboco a otro boceto.
-Es pobre; peor que el anterior- puntualizo el joven.
Kosen llego a acumular ochenta y cuatro pruebas, todas ellas desaprobadas por el alumno.
Pero, en un momento en que el joven salio a hacer una diligencia, kosen penso: "Esta es mi oportunidad para escapar a su aguda mirada", y escribio apurado, con una mente libre de distracciones, la leyenda solicitada. Cuando el discipulo vio el trabajo dijo:
-Una obra maestra.
"The calligrapher Kosen had a disciple who never failed to criticize his Master. On one occasion, the master was commissioned to make the model of letters that would be on a temple sign.
"It's not good," the student said at the first attempt. Kosen turned to another sketch.
-He is poor; worse than the previous one- pointed out the young man.
Kosen came to accumulate eighty-four tests, all of them disapproved by the student.
But, at one point when the young man was out on an errand, Kosen thought, "This is my chance to escape his sharp gaze," and hurriedly wrote, with a mind free of distractions, the requested caption. When the disciple saw the work he said:
- A masterpiece.
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