ApreNDamoS lA HuMildAd 🙏✨💗

Los "pobres" van a morir y desaparecer. Si, y los "ricos" tambien, por supuesto. Ojo con la fantasia = ilusion de que el rico va a salir aereoso. Eso solo le dura un tiempo, ese "tiempo" puede parecer eterno, pero nunca lo es, y a su vez es lo que ellas y ellos nos cuentan. Tal vez no lo veas ni tu ni yo, pero si las próximas generaciones donde no se estara excento de los tipos de enfermedades que se creen. Las enfermedades no existen, las crean, donde mucho de los ricos que van a quedar, se autodestruiran, no soportaran lo que suceda alrededor, debido tambien a los desequilibrios mentales que ya tienen muchos a nivel mundial y encima son escuchados ... Es CAMBIO de CONCIENCIA, no politicas, ni cambios economicos que siempre benefician a una parte, eso mismo sera su exterminio.

The "poor" are going to die and disappear. Yes, and the "rich" too, of course. Be careful with the fantasy = illusion that the rich man is going to leave airy. That only lasts for a while, that "time" may seem eternal, but it never is, and in turn it is what they and they tell us. Perhaps neither you nor I will see it, but the next generations will not be exempt from the types of diseases that are created. Diseases do not exist, they create them, where many of the rich who are going to remain, will self-destruct, will not bear what happens around them, also due to the mental imbalances that many already have worldwide and on top of that they are heard ... It is CHANGE of CONSCIENCE, not political, or economic changes that always benefit one party, that will be its extermination.


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